Vocational Education Programs have made a Real Difference In The Lives Of Countless Young People Nationwide They Build Self Confidence and Leadership skill By Allowing students to utilize their unique gifts and talents

Admission open in 2025

IBVE(Institute of Basic and Vocational Education) is an autonomous body, established in the year 1995-96 with the association of the Govt. Of Karnataka under the Indian society ACT 1986.
The Constitution has given the right to education for everyone; some unprivileged and poor people are unable to get it due to the lack of amenities and unawareness. We conduct educational programs under the guidelines of national education policy 1986, Govt. Of India. It has been constituted compulsory basic education for all. That also includes matriculation, intermediate and vocational courses to help to get people a better place in industry or to make them skilled enough to serve their professional life well.
Get all your short and long-term courses done in the guidance of the top experts and make yourself industry ready
Welfare programs and promotional campaigns designed to protect the students from facing the unemployment state
Financial and educational support for all unprivileged students in terms of free food, counseling, and accommodation
It is govt. Recognized under Indian education act under article 19(1)g, 29 & 30 of the constitution.